Our story is based on a police drug crime. I feel that the audience for our thriller will be mainly based on men. This is because there are no females in the thriller and the male characters are not relatable to a female audience. This is mainly because there isn’t a character that a female audience can aspire to. On the other hand it will appeal more to a male audience as the main character is based on an intelligent, well-witted, problem solving man; therefore this character can be someone that can be aspiring for men. The target audience will be older men, mainly from their mid-twenties. This is because the characters are of a certain sophistication that doesn’t interest younger men and teenagers, but our target audience will also be people interested in drug relate police crimes.
For instance a TV drama called 'The Wire', similarly would mainly appeal to older males for the reasons

For instance a TV drama called 'The Wire', similarly would mainly appeal to older males for the reasons
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