for a specific reason; both stars are surrounded
by attractive young females. Now we wonder
why this actually is; in fact it is a very clever
phycological marketing tactic. We can make the
male star as attractive as possible to female audiences, but however this does not always completely work with all females, therefore they use the 'surround with girls' tactic.

If we analyse this quote about jealousy:

in other words it is saying that when we are jealous or in competition of something, that we love it more.
I we relate this idea back to our stars, we could say that by surrounding them by girls creates a competition, and sometimes due to this we actually want that person even more as we want to 'win' this competiton. This makes fans like girls even more.
Another way of looking at this a following the crown method. This article explains why people follow crowds:
Linking this back to our star, we could say that if we see these other girls liking the pop star ( by dancing around him and flirting e.t.c.) we will want to fit and like them too, as they represent the masses. The more that we like the artist the more likely we are to buy concert tickets, albums and singles.
My new music video idea is largely based upon this research.
Artist name: Boy Racer
Star Image: very flashy, materialistic, young, flirty, money and women.
( women being the key factor in the music video due to the above research)
Song: Black and Gold by Sam Sparrow.
Music Video concept:
The video would consist of 5 sections, flashing around from the beat to each one.
- The artist on a gold armchair with a bottle of champagne
- artist in a black studio with lots of girls dancing around him, he is wearing a suit
- A james bond style golden girl, sprayed in gold paint in a black studio
- A flashy black car, with him at the wheel, and green screen of the night behind him
- An attractive girl in a gold dress on a motorbike, and of her leaning forwards as if riding with a fan in her face as if she was going forwards.
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