This band is called The Summer Set.
For my final initial music video idea I decided to use their song, 'Lightening in a Bottle.
They did not have a music video but they had a similar song called Maybe Tonight:
From their images and their music video, a few words come to mind:
- Young
- Fun
- Colourful
- Natural
- Girls and boys
- Party
They seem to represent a very fun and happy party image, very much for the elder teenage market. With these words and the representation I managed to conjure up another music video idea:
The Band:
They would be four elder teenage boys, and their market would be elder teens. They would be attractive to girls and relatable to males.They would have a very festival feel to them, with lots of colours and feathers.
The Video:
The video would consist of a performance and a light narrative, built up with thematic and symbolic moments.
The performance would be the band playing in different places, for instance on a roof, in a studio with coloured lights and possibly at a concert.
The narrative consists of the four male band members, and four other attractive girls ( unknown). In each verse, is a different band member and one of the girls flirting or cuddling e.t.c. For example, one could be them at a bonfire together, another in the back of a car chilling or in a field having a picnic.
It would be very light hearted, young, and full of flares colours and dancing. To give a happy feel for audiences.
This is good work, Leila. You have developed the concepts through the research to show how the image of the artist is supprted or adapted by the music video ideas you propose. Next time, aim to include more of the terminology that we have covered in class so that you can demonstrate your understanding of some of the key concepts.