What do we get out of creating an animatic? :
- It should include around 150 shots
- It helps you to visualise the shots
- It works as a test run, to find out it different elements will fit together
- And if it fits the music
- And most importantly do e have enough content.
Essentially this works as a pilot for the group to see whether the ideas work.
We have to think about using photos or drawings to create the animatic. Realistically photos are far easier and quicker to make, it also enables more experimentation with the shots.
There i also a possibility of using videos for it, which would include movement. It is very important that this movement matches the track so we can see whether or not it works.
It is a prototype: a test of the product which effect later production decisions.
The more accurate the prototype the higher quality of information gained.
Example or an accurately drawn animatic:
We will be creating a photo based animatic as we feel we will get the most out of it without it taking up too much time.
I am currently collecting images that are as similar as the shots we are trying to create, that I will put in an order that matches with the timeline.
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