Saturday, 15 September 2012

Thriller Analysis

This video was made by previous AS students. Thier task was  was to produce the introduction to a thriller movie. Our task, was to analyse it and see why we knew it was a thriller.  I chose Pathogen because to me it seemed like the most obvious, this was for various reasons.

We know immediately that this is a thriller; this is due to the contrast between the slow camera movements and the fast jolty images thrown at us. which shock us, suggesting that this is what the movie has also been designed to do.

The music is also very contrasting- there are three notes repeated in minor key going up, each time creating more tension. This gives an eerie and unsettling mood. These notes are played with the slow camera movements. Then distorted random music is played with the the quickly changing images. This gives a feeling of brokenness and abandonment.

The music fits with the images of broken glass, giving us a feeling of previous chaos and vandalism. 

An obvious give away, about the fact it is a thriller is the number of dead bodies shown. As death is commonly associated with murder and torture, something we would expect in a thriller. The bodies create suspense and suspicion, as the audience will assume that by watching the film they will discover how they died. 

The clips shown to us are mainly from inside the building and from a low height. This gives a secretive feel , as if we are not meant to know the bodies are there. This creates questions, does anybody know about them, making the whole introduction more mysterious.

During one of the clips we see a sign saying 'mask up' this suggests that the building was once in action, so we start to wonder why it no longer is. 

When we are shown the title at the end ( Pathogen) , it flickers briefly and we see the word 'death'. This again shocks and scares us as the word death is unsettling, and is commonly the result of a thriller.

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