Saturday, 15 September 2012

Filming a short scene

In a filming workshop, we learned how to film a short scene. our scene included a girl walking over to a chair picking up her phone then walking away. We did this with four different shots..

1. A wide shot

2. A close up of her face

3. A close up of the phone

4. A close up of her upper body with phone in shot

To do this we had four types of jobs needed...

1. director- decided when the scene ends and finishes and directs the scene

2. camera man- controls the angle and switches on the camera, they make sure the white balance and focus is correct
3. actor- plays a character in a scene
4. coordinator- has to remember exactly what the actor did incase they need to repeat it for a scene with a different zoom

During this media workshop, we learnt some basic terminology used by professional filmmakers....

Standby-   everybody ready ( which everyone must say) after the director has stated.
Rolling-   the camera man says this when the camera is recording
Action-   when he feels the actor should begin the scene
Cut-   when the director wants the recording to stop

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